
Golden Touch Naturals is our online alpaca farm store. The farm is home to 100+ Alpacas and the Riley family has been working together to take the fiber out of the field and into U.S. Textile mills for the last 20 years.

By managing the natural fiber farm day to day and overseeing every step of the manufacturing process from fiber to finished product, the Riley’s have a very unique full circle view of natural fibers and the U.S. textile industry.

With this experience and knowledge, they’ve set out to embrace all premium natural fibers and offer quality products with a positive story behind them that feels as good as they do!

We call it the Golden Touch…

Follow us on
Instagram and Facebook for a glimpse

into everyday life here on the alpaca farm!

—Golden Touch Naturals Instagram Feed—


Want to Learn

What makes our Alpaca Socks so great?


What makes Alpaca

a sustainable + renewable natural fiber?


Our Story

Grab a cup of coffee and get the full story of us!